In ancient times,there was a King called Dasaratha. He was ruling a great kingdom called Kosala and Ayodhya was its capital.

He had three Queens named Kausalya,Sumitra and Kaikeyi. All the people were very happy and had a peaceful living as their King looked after the Kingdom very well.

King Dasaratha had everything except children.He was worried about having kids of his own.The King had Eight Prime ministers.He called one of his ministers, Sumantra and asked if any one in thier kingdom can perform Putrakameshti yajna for him.

After thinking for a while he said" Dear King! there is a great sage called Rishyasrunga. He is a great sage and he can help you perform great Putrakameshti yajna in the other country.If you go to him he can that yajna so that you have your heirs.

Next day, King Dasaratha went to visit sage Rishyasrunga. With due respect,he touched the sage's feet and said "Oh! The great sage, I am childless and it is the only thing bothering me and my family.I pray to you that you should perform the holy Putrakameshti Yajna prescribed by the Vedas to remove any sin that is preventing me from having children".

The sage replied "It is a great initiative to perform that yajna. I will defenetly help you do so.I bless that you will have four sons who are brave and will be glorified by the world".
Overwhelmed by the sage's words,King Dasaratha returned Ayodhya and made all the arrangements for the yajna.

After few days, the Yajna had started .It was when the ritual was about to be completed,a divine man dressed in black and red robes, holding a golden vessel containing kheer/payasa with a silver cover in his hand, walked like a lion and called King Dasharatha out of that Yajna and said "Dear Dasaratha! The Kheer/payasam in this vessel is made by the gods.
If your wives accept this, you will be blessed with children.By having this kheer, the people of your kingdom will be prosperous,healthy and happy"said the man and left.

After the yajna was completed, King Dasharatha sent away all the kings who came there,with gifts and treats.

King Dasharatha went to his palace to give the kheer to his wives. He called all his wives and gave half of the kheer to Kausalya and the other half is shared between Sumitra and Kaikeyi.
As said by the sage,After having the kheer,each of the Queens were blessed with Children.Lord Rama for Kausalya,Lord Lakshmana and Kshatragna for Sumitra and Lord Bharatha for Kaikeyi.Thus King Dasaratha is relieved from his grief was very happy thereafter.

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