One day Akbar and Birbal were walking together and he wanted to have some fun. Akbar said "Birbal, whenever I ask you something tricky, you always surprise me with your answers. I would like to ask you a question about the great Lord Vishnu". Birbal replied "Dear King, I will try my best to entertain you with my answers. Please proceed with your questions.

"I heard in the Vedic Puranas that Lord Vishnu heard the cries of an elephant whose leg got struck in a crocodile's mouth and ran immediately to save it. Why did Lord Vishnu himself had to go and save the poor elephant. Had he no servants to go there and save it. Afterall, he is the Lord of all God's " said Akbar.

Birbal replied, King, I cannot answer this question at this moment but I will answer your doubts when the time comes!” A few days passed. Birbal called a maid and gave her a wax doll. "Today when I am with the King,in the garden near the pond,pretend you have fallen in the water along with the doll.If you do so,I will give you a good reward,"said Birbal... The maid agreed to Birbal's words and when Akbar and Birbal were together walking in the garden,she slipped herself along with the wax doll in the pond as said by Birbal. As soon as Akbar saw this,he immediately jumped into the water fully clothed and saved the baby doll. Birbal stood firm and said, “King, why did you jump in the water to save the baby? Wouldn't it be enough to call a servant and say him to save them.

Not knowing that the baby is a waxed doll, Akbar replied "How can somone not go for help when they see a baby in a life-threatening condition and that too for a King who wants to protect his people.In such situations we can't wait for sevants or anyother to do the needful".

Birbal smiled and said "Yes,this is what happend with Lord Vishnu and the poor elephant my dear King. Vishnu also did not hesitate to save that elephant who was his devotee, Afterall, he is the protector of this Universe and he can't wait for others to help. He himself will go save his devotees." Akbar was very much impressed by Birbal's reply and appreciated his wisdom.

Related post: King Dasaratha -The Birth of Lord Rama Story

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